Tuesday, June 9, 2015

'Silent Whispers' Series (Part III)

'Silent Whispers' Series
 idea: limitless mindgames, model: limitless mindgames, photos: ns

I'm learning of my own rhythms.
My own cycles.
My own layers.
I'm learning of things that
were once mysterious and quiet.
Questions that kept their promise remaining questions,
and arriving as answers when it was finally time.
I'm learning
when to peel back,
when to hold in,
when to stand strong
and when to unfold.
I'm learning
when to open more,
when to be still,
when to slow,
and when to close.
I'm learning about journeying.

Monday, June 8, 2015

'Silent Whispers' Series (Part II)

'Silent Whispers' Series
 idea: limitless mindgames, model: limitless mindgames, photos: ns

When you see fairies dancing,
whether in your head
or with your eyes, join them.
otherwise, in time,
you may see them no more.

Friday, June 5, 2015

'Silent Whispers' Series (Part I)

'Silent Whispers' Series
 idea: limitless mindgames, model: limitless mindgames, photos: ns

Soften into the world around you.
Remember how wildness always holds you close -
strong, consistent, slow, and steady.
Rocks you in scents and sights and rhythms.
Is always there to ground us.
Is always soothing and knowing, simple,
and ready.